Nik Powell Scholarship Fund contribution
Nik Powell handed over the reins as Director of the NFTS a couple of years ago and sadly died in November aged 69. Under his management the school was transformed into one of the world’s top-rated establishments. Please have a look at for full details of Nik’s life.
Not mentioned is his essential involvement in starting our BEACONSFIELD FILM SOCIETY. It was at Nik’s behest that a small group of local film enthusiasts on a guided tour of the school were offered free use of the excellent cinema as a community resource. Twelve years later a thriving community of 450 members is still enjoying the benefit of Nik’s vision. He kept an eye on us until his retirement, ever helpful and supportive.
In his honour, The NIK POWELL SCHOLARSHIP FUND has today received £5,000 from the Beaconsfield Film Society.