An astonishingly self-assured first film by Aleem Khan. It follows the story of Mary who is pitched by sudden tragedy into a Hitchcockian world of secrets and lies which challenge everything she thought she knew and everything she thought was certain. In a Covid-free year, Joanna Scanlon would have surely scooped an acting award. Running Time: 89 minutes. French, Arabic, Urdu with subtitles.
Plus Britains Lost Walks – A 2019 NFTS Student Graduation Film. The Forest of Bowland in North East Lancashire is an Area of Outstanding Beauty where a team of grad students from the NFTS under Director Samson Ibitoje follows explorer Andy Browning and Artist Beatrice Hasell-McCosh in their search for lost walks. Ancient landscapes, rivers, hills and homes, a film full of glorious views with many discoveries. Running time 24 minutes.