Helping young Film-makers
We have, over the years, raised funds for the NFTS student support fund, Here is a message from Laura Tunbridge (in blue) director of DRAGGED UP:
Thank you so much for the additional support you all at the Beaconsfield Film Society have been able to offer Dragged Up. I cannot begin to tell you just how vital that additional funding was and how grateful I am. The additional costs of making the film in the pandemic have been vast and your support has ensured that the film can go ahead. Thank you!
We look forward to sharing the film with you in due course, but in the meantime I’ve attached some photos from a recce the crew went on down on the Isle of Sheppey last week to visit the locations we will be using in the film.
Please do pass these on, as well as our heartfelt thanks, to the rest of the Beaconsfield Film Society. Danielle and I look forward to thanking you all in person and sharing the film with you when it is safe to do so.
Photo credit is Adam Pietraszewski